Updates and Announcements
- The Profiles 2023 Survey will open on Monday, September 18, 2023 https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/.
- The Profiles 2022 Survey has closed, and the data has been published in our annual reports. The Profiles 2021 publication can be found in the Files section of the survey.asee.org site, and the By The Numbers report can be found here. The data for this survey is also available on the EDMS.
- Visit Communications to join our email listserv and read the latest updates we have sent out.
- If you have any questions or concerns about any of our survey collections, please contact us, data@asee.org.
Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Survey
About the survey
The Profiles survey is an annual survey conducted by ASEE to collect data on various higher education components for engineering and engineering technology programs.
Data collected include institutional and college/program information, enrollment information, enrollment counts by demographics, degrees awarded counts by demographics, faculty counts by demographics, research centers, and research expenditures by the colleges/programs.
ASEE’s data collection for the Profiles for Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges survey begins in the fall of each year and concludes at the end of January. During this time period, participating institutions entered their data on ASEE’s web-based survey instrument. After the completion of the data collection, ASEE staff verify the entered data using a web-based data verification process. In the spring, ASEE institutes quality control procedures, which include comparing data to that entered in previous years and contacting schools about questionable data. Although ASEE has made every effort to ensure that the information is correct, each institution is ultimately responsible for the accuracy of its data.
Totals are compiled based on discipline rather than department or degree program. This method allows us to track broader trends. For more exact views of each school’s department and degree data, please refer to the individual web profiles for each institution located at https://shinyapps.asee.org/apps/Profiles/
Participation in the survey
Participation in the survey is at the institutional level for any higher education academic institution that has at least one engineering or engineering technology program.
To participate in the survey, please visit survey.asee.org once it has opened, and register for a new account if you do not already have one. This site allows for all participating institutions to provide payment and access the full survey.
This survey collects a large amount of information so please visit Profiles Instructions for more detailed instructions for providing your institution’s data.
Data Access
ASEE provides an online system to view and download the data for all institutions that participate in the Profiles survey. The Engineering Management Data System allows for institutions to download national data tables, as well as create peer groups and download data for the peer groups, for most of the variables from the Profiles survey.
All information for individual schools is also located in our free Directory of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges.
Faculty Salary Survey
About the survey

Each spring, ASEE collects information about tenure/tenure-track faculty salaries from institutions that have at least one engineering or engineering technology data. The data is collected by engineering discipline and faculty rank.
Participation in the survey
The faculty salary survey is open from January to May each year and can be accessed through https://survey.asee.org.
You can participate after May by contacting data@asee.org.
The ASEE has collected salary by rank and discipline for tenured/tenure-track engineering faculty since 2009. For participating institutions, there are four reports provided for free, and a reporting tool available for participating institutions for $500: (1) All participating Institutions (2) Public Institutions (3) Private Institutions (4) USN Top 50. We provide averages, medians, upper/lower deciles and quartiles, minimum and maximum for reporting institutions by discipline and rank. We censor cells with less than 5 reporting institutions. For each of the reports above, there are two components: one that is based on the raw data and then a second one that are corrected for regional price parities (i.e. adjusting salary statistics based on the cost-of-living for an area).
Data Access
Participating institutions can also get access to the national reports described above for free. Participating institutions can pay $500 to create peer groups of institutions and download salary data for each created group (minimum of 5 institutions per peer group). The access to the data is also through https://survey.asee.org .
If your institution did not participate in the survey, access to the national reports will cost $500, and access to the peer reporting tool will not be available. Please contact data@asee.org to order