2024 Profiles Instructions

Welcome to the 2024 ASEE Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Survey

The survey is open for entry from September 18, 2024 to January 31, 2025. As in prior years, we will work with institutions and provide extended deadlines upon request. If you encounter issues during data entry, please note the section in the survey and send us an email at data@asee.org.

How to Register: Profiles 2024 Registration Walk Through

You can upload 2024 excel files here: https://americansocietyforengineeringeducation.shinyapps.io/2024_Profiles_Upload/

Introduction to Profiles 2024 Webinar

Slides: Profiles of Engineering & Engineering Technology, 2024

Timeline for Profiles 2024

  1. Survey Opens: September 18. Institutions can register and begin filling out the survey. If you have participated last year, your data has been imported and used in the spreadsheet as well.
  2. Spreadsheet/Flatfile Submission Open on November 1, 2024. Beginning on this day, we will update the preview reports with spreadsheet data each week so institutions can have a final pdf of their data, as well as something to check before final submission. Information on flatfiles are here: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/flat-files/
  3. Data Preview reports available: December 15, 2024
  4. Research Expenditures: For Institutions which plan on submitting data to US News for their ranking of engineering doctoral programs, we will begin to compare results submitted to ASEE with those submitted to US News prior to the close of the survey on January 15, 2025. Institutions can update their data before January 31, 2025.
  5. Survey Close: January 31, 2025
  6. Validation Period: February 1 to March 15. Institutions will be contacted to respond any questions ASEE IR&A staff have.
  7. Preliminary Release Data in the EDMS: March 15. The EDMS will show 2024 data. Institutions will be able to update, as needed, until July 15, 2025. Data corrected after this date will not be reflected in the Profiles Publication. Data corrections for Profiles 2024 submitted after this data will be reflected in the EDMS (with a note on the change in the data log).
  8. Final 2024 Data: August 15, 2025. All data will be available in the EDMS by this for Profiles 2024 including federal data on ABET accredited non-participating institutions for degrees awarded.
  9. Engineering and Engineering by the Numbers published: September 2025.
  10. Profiles Publication available to participating Institution: late September 2025.

This timeline was built based on our experience since 2020. Due to the on-going unique circumstances, the timeline above may be subject to change. We will communicate adjustments as they happen. Our most immediate channel for these communications is under the Help tab when you login to survey.asee.org. We will also email the ASEE data mailing list but limit these communications to 2 per month at most.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) can be found at http://ira.asee.org/profiles-faq/
For information on the pricing structure for the survey, please visit: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-pricing/

If you are a new participant for this survey, please gather the appropriate information for the following sections to be able to complete relevant information and continue to the subsequent survey sections:

  • Department names for the engineering programs and/or engineering technology programs
  • Degree programs and the departments they are housed in.
  • Research center information, including name, class, head of the center, and engineering discipline

In some sections of the survey, you will be presented with reporting data disaggregated by gender categories. Learn more about the different gender category options below.

Detailed instructions of the survey can be found below.


College Information Sheet

The first worksheet in the excel workbook is the College Information sheet. A description of the instructions can be found here:  https://ira.asee.org/profiles-2023-changes/

Data Collection Time Frames

Please observe the following data collection periods:

Fall 2024: institution enrollments, engineering college enrollments, engineering technology college enrollments, faculty head counts, admission requirements and recommendations, and personnel information. If you need an as-of date for the data pull, please use November 1, 2024 (IPEDS) or your institution’s census date for courses.

July 1, 2023–June 30, 2024: Degrees awarded

Please report research expenditures based on your most recently completed fiscal year ending in 2024. Instructions and FAQ here: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/research%20expenditures/

Please report student expenses for the 9-month academic year beginning in Fall 2024.

Gender Options

Many of your student and faculty counts will be recorded on a spreadsheet that is available through a download link at the bottom of the page. Before you provide demographic data on faculty and students in your programs, you will have the opportunity to choose the from two different options of gender categories presented as two different download links. This choice will effect every demographic display of the survey.

Gender Category Options:

  • Male/Female (Binary Gender Excel Template)
  • Male/Female/Non-binary Gender/Another Gender or Unknown (Expanded Gender Excel Spreadsheet)

If you choose the binary gender option spreadsheet, you are reporting data to ASEE as it would be reported to the U.S. Department of Education’s Integrated Post-Secondary Education System (IPEDS) survey. Gender for individuals (student or faculty) which is unknown would be reported in a category (male or female) selected by the institution. Under this option, institutions should include counts for all individuals in the required cells.

If you select the expanded gender option spreadsheet, every demographic table in the spreadsheet will be displayed with the four gender categories. Please select the most appropriate label that is closest to the way in which your institution collects gender information

This change has been made in response to a request from institutions to reflect their changing student and faculty composition. Please see the technical review panel discussion from 2016 for more information about the collection of gender information at a national level.

Research expenditure instructions: https://ira.asee.org/profiles-of-engineering-and-engineering-technology-instructions/research%20expenditures/

Help Sections – Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs

Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral Degree Programs — 

For each department you provided earlier in the survey, there is a set of fields to enter in all the bachelor’s, master’s, or doctoral programs within each department.  Only list the degree programs that exist in your department and leave the other boxes blank.

For each degree program, write out the name of the degree program in the first field. Select the Discipline that best matches that program. DO NOT EDIT THE DISCIPLINES. SELECT ONLY ONE DISCIPLINE. If a program spans multiple disciplines, select only one consistent with how your institution has historically reported the program. Provide the 4 digit CIP code (in the XX.XX format) that you report to IPEDS and that best represents that degree program (you may need to reach out to your institutional research office).

For all degree program names, please adhere to the following format when typing or updating the names of the institution’s degree programs: Degree Program Name (type of degree in parentheses), e.g.: Chemical Engineering (B.S.), Industrial Engineering (B.S.) /Chemical Engineering (M.S), Industrial Engineering (M.E.) / Chemical Engineering (Ph.D.), Industrial Engineering (D.E.). Do not list degree program names as acronyms nor should you abbreviate or truncate degree program names.

Areas of Expertise by Department – Section 14 of 20 [Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs Profile]

List up to 10 areas of expertise for each of your departments and programs.

Teaching, Tenure Track Engineering Faculty: Full Professor Totals — Section 16 of 20 [Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs Profile]

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Full Professors.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the head counts for all tenured and tenure-track full professors by race, ethnicity, and gender for each department/program at your institution. Include all teaching undergraduate and graduate engineering faculty at your institution. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants, or summer term faculty.

Make sure you enter the Engineering full professors and the Engineering Technology full professors in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Teaching, Tenure Track Engineering Faculty: Associate Professor Totals — 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Assoc Professors.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the head counts for all tenured and tenure-track full professors by race, ethnicity, and gender for each department/program at your institution. Include all teaching undergraduate and graduate engineering faculty at your institution. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants, or summer term faculty.

Make sure you enter the Engineering associate professors and the Engineering Technology associate professors in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Teaching, Tenure Track Engineering Faculty: Assistant Professor Totals —

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Asst Professors.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the head counts for all tenured and tenure-track full professors by race, ethnicity, and gender for each department/program at your institution. Include all teaching undergraduate and graduate engineering faculty at your institution. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants, or summer term faculty.

Make sure you enter the Engineering assistant professors and the Engineering Technology assistant professors in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Teaching, Non-Tenure Track — 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Teach_Non-Tenure.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the head counts for the teaching, non-tenure track faculty (full-time, part- time, and full-time equivalent of part-time faculty) for each department in the list. Enter the full-time equivalent (FTE) of all part-time teaching personnel.

To calculate FTE of part-time personnel, first establish the institution’s full-time teaching load (FTL). Next, sum ALL credit hours taught by ALL part-time instructors WITHIN each department. Divide the total credit hours taught by the department’s part-time instructors by the FTL. The result is the FTE. (For each engineering department: FTE = credit hours taught by PT instructors / FTL)

NOTE: FTE of PT Personnel must always be less than the total PT Personnel. By definition, part-time is less than full-time. Do not include FT Personnel in the FTE.

Do not include any individual as part-time faculty whom you have already counted as full-time. Exclude summer term only faculty. Do not include graduate teaching or research assistants. Include ONLY teaching, engineering faculty at your institution.

Make sure you enter the Engineering and the Engineering Technology non-tenure track teachers in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Non-Teaching Engineering Faculty – Section 20 of 20 [Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs Profile]

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Non-Teaching.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the head counts for the non-teaching, research faculty (full-time, part-time, and full-time equivalent of part-time faculty) for each department in the list. Enter the full-time equivalent (FTE) of all part-time engineering-related non-teaching, research personnel.

To calculate FTE, first establish the institution’s full-time work load (FTL) (e.g.: 40 hour work week). Next, sum ALL hours worked by ALL part-time research personnel WITHIN each department. Divide the total hours worked by the department’s part-time research personnel by the FTL . The result is the FTE. (For each engineering department: FTE = hours worked by PT research personnel / FTL)

NOTE: FTE of PT Personnel must always be less than the total PT Personnel. By definition, part-time is less than full-time. Do not include FT Personnel in the FTE.

Do not include any individual as part-time faculty whom you have already counted as full-time. Exclude summer term only faculty. Do not include graduate student appointments. Include ONLY non-teaching, engineering-related research faculty at your institution.

Make sure you enter the Engineering and the Engineering Technology non-tenure track teachers in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The total will be calculated as you enter the data.

Program Comparisons — 

The institution’s undergraduate degree programs will be listed above each set of fields.

If the degree program(s) do not appear as expected, using the drop down menu, return to the ‘Engineering and Engineering Technology Program Profile’, and select the ‘Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ spreadsheet to revise or add the entry.

Use the check box provided to confirm that the undergraduate degree program is ABET or CEAB accredited. Enter the nominal length (in years) and the average length of each program (in years). Select, from the pull-down list, Both, Morning, or Evening, according to when classes are offered for each undergraduate degree program. Select, from the pull-down list, None, Optional, or Required, to describe the Co-operative Program. If there is a co-op program, please indicate the number of students graduated who were enrolled in a co-op program.

Provide information in the greatest detail possible. Information should represent the status of degree programs for the survey year.

Freshman Engineering Enrollment — 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD and Fresh Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of freshmen men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall enrollments

Make sure you enter the freshmen enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

If any students enrolled, but were not associated with a specific program, you can return to the ‘College of Engineering Profile’ section, then the ‘Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ spreadsheet to create a program called “undeclared” or “College/School of Engineering” or a similar designation. Students can then be reported in this area.

Sophomore Engineering Enrollment — 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD and Soph Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of sophomore men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall Semester enrollments

Make sure you enter the sophomore enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

If any students enrolled, but were not associated with a specific program, you can return to the ‘College of Engineering Profile’ section, then the ‘Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ spreadsheet to create a program called “undeclared” or “College/School of Engineering” or a similar designation. Students can then be reported in this area.

Junior Engineering Enrollment —

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD and Junior Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be preloaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of junior men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall enrollments

Make sure you enter the junior enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

If any students enrolled, but were not associated with a specific program, you can return to the ‘College of Engineering Profile’ section, then the ‘Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ spreadsheet to create a program called “undeclared” or “College/School of Engineering” or a similar designation. Students can then be reported in this area.

Senior Engineering Enrollment

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD and Senior Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of senior men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall enrollments

Make sure you enter the senior enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

If any students enrolled, but were not associated with a specific program, you can return to the ‘College of Engineering Profile’ section, then the ‘Bachelor’s Degree Programs’ spreadsheet to create a program called “undeclared” or “College/School of Engineering” or a similar designation. Students can then be reported in this area.

Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded–

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD and Bachelor Deg Awarded.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_UNDERGRAD worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of men and women from each racial and ethnic group that earned degrees in each program for the most recently completed academic year. ASEE defines the academic year starting July 1st and running through June 30th.

Engineering-related Research Subject Areas — 

Enter the research subject areas in the spaces provided.List up to 75 subject areas of engineering-related research in the space provided. As a guideline, include only those research projects: (1) with at least $50,000 worth of current research funding, and (2) with research being performed by more than one faculty member. Do not list areas of accepted doctoral thesis unless these meet the previous monetary and staff guidelines.

Engineering-related Research Description by Department– 

List or describe the research for each department.

Engineering-related Research Description by Research Center– 

List or describe the research for each research center.

Master’s Enrollment – Section 10 of 18 [Graduate Engineering/Engineering Technology]

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_MASTERS and Masters Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_MASTERS worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of master’s level men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall enrollments

Make sure you enter the master’s level enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Doctoral Enrollment – 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_DOCTORAL and Doctoral Enroll.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_DOCTORAL worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of doctoral level men and women from each racial and ethnic group that enrolled in the fall semester for each program on a full-time and part-time basis. Figures should represent the current Fall enrollments

Make sure you enter the doctoral level enrollments for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Master’s Degrees Awarded – 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_MASTERS and Masters Awarded.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_MASTERS worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of men and women from each racial and ethnic group that earned degrees in each program for the most recently completed academic year. ASEE defines the academic year starting July 1st and running through June 30th.

Make sure you enter the master’s degrees awarded for Engineering and Engineering Technology in the appropriate tables on the worksheet.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Master’s Degrees Awarded by Degree Type

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_MASTERS and Masters Awarded by Type.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_MASTERS worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

For each degree program, enter the number of degrees awarded ‘with Thesis’ and the number of degrees awarded ‘without thesis or with project/ report’ for the most recently completed academic year.

Doctoral Degrees Awarded —

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: PROGRAM_DOCTORAL and Doctoral Awarded.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the PROGRAM_DOCTORAL worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

The previous year’s data should be pre-loaded in the spreadsheet for your reference. Enter the number of men and women from each racial and ethnic group that earned degrees in each program for the most recently completed academic year. ASEE defines the academic year starting July 1st and running through June 30th.

The totals will be calculated automatically as you enter the data.

Appointments by Department

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: DEPARTMENT and Appointments_Dept.

Cut and paste the names listed on the survey webpage for each department into the DEPARTMENT worksheet.  In order for the data to be properly processed, the department names need to be exactly the same on the spreadsheet as entered into the online survey.

For each department, enter the number of appointments in the Appointments field and the average monthly stipend in the Stipend field for the following categories: Fellowships, Teaching Assistantships (TA), Research Assistantships (RA), and Other

These totals should match the totals entered for question 48 of the US News Engineering Schools Statistical Survey. To avoid double-counting when comparing the US News and ASEE totals, do not count ASEE-reported appointments in both a center and a department.

Appointments by Research Center– 

If you have already downloaded the spreadsheet, you do not need to download it again.

Please download the appropriate gender option Excel file linked in the survey footer and complete the following worksheets: RESEARCH_CENTER and Appointments_ResearchCtr.

Federal Guidelines for Race/Ethnicity Classifications

American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment.

Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.

Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Terms such as “Haitian” or “Negro” can be used in addition to “Black or African American.”

Hispanic or Latino: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. The term, “Spanish origin,” can be used in addition to “Hispanic or Latino.”

Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands.

White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.

Nonresident alien: A person who is not a citizen or a national of the United States and who is in this country on a visa or temporary basis and does not have the right to remain indefinitely.

Two or more: Any person who reported themselves as belonging to more than one of the race categories. These individuals should only be counted in this field and not any of the race categories.

Hispanic/Latino includes individuals of any race who identify as Hispanic or Latino. The five race categories include only persons who reported one of those fields as their sole race and did not report Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.

Nonresident aliens should not be included in any of the race or ethnicity fields.

Canadian institutions should report students under two categories: Unknown and Nonresident Alien. Please report all Canadian/Permanent Residents under Unknown.

ASEE Engineering/Engineering Technology Disciplines

ASEE Engineering Discipline Categories

  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Architectural Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Civil/Environmental Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • Computer Science (inside engineering)
  • Computer Science (outside engineering)*
  • Electrical/Computer Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering (General)
  • Engineering Management
  • Engr. Science and Engr. Physics
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
  • Mining Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering
  • Other Engineering Disciplines
  • Petroleum Engineering
  • Other (non-engineering) disciplines+

+ Other non-engineering disciplines includes programs housed in a college of engineering that are not engineering programs (and will not be included in the engineering total counts).

*Computer Science (outside engineering) is for computer science information that is housed outside the college of engineering.  This information will not be added to the engineering total.

ASEE Engineering Technology Discipline Categories

  • Aerospace Engineering Technology
  • Agricultural Engineering Technology
  • Architectural Engineering Technology
  • Civil Engineering Technology
  • Computer Engineering Technology
  • Construction Engineering Technology
  • Electrical Engineering Technology
  • Engineering Technology (General)
  • Industrial/Manufacturing Engineering Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering Technology
  • Other Engineering Technology Disciplines

Other Definitions

Full-time staff: As defined by the institution. The type of appointment at the snapshot determines whether an employee is full-time or part-time. The employee’s term of contract is not considered in making the determination of full- or part-time.

Full-time student: Undergraduate: A student enrolled for 12 or more semester credits or 12 or more quarter credits or 24 or more clock hours a week each term
Graduate: A student enrolled for 9 or more semester credits or 9 or a student involved in thesis or dissertation preparation that is considered full-time by the institution.

Non-tenure track, teaching faculty: Persons identified by the institution as such as typically those whose initial assignments are made for the purpose of conducting instructions as a principle activity (or activities). They may hold academic rank titles of professor, associate professor, assistant professor, instructor, lecturer, or the equivalent of any of those academic ranks. Graduate instruction (teaching) and research assistants are not included in this category.

Part-time student: Undergraduate: A student enrolled for either less than 12 semester or quarter hours or less that 24 clock hours a week each term.
Graduate: A student enrolled for less than 9 semester or quarter credits.

Research personnel: An occupational category used to classify persons whose specific assignments customarily are made for the purpose of conducting research. Regardless of title, academic rank, these employees formally spend the majority of their time conducting research (exclude tenure/tenure-track faculty from this count).

Tuition: The amount of money charged to students for instructional services. Tuition may be charged per term, per course, or per credit

Tuition and fees (published charges): The amount of tuition and required fees covering a full academic year most frequently charged to students. These values represent what a typical student would be charged and may not be the same for all students at an institution. If tuition is charged on a per-credit-hour basis, the average full-time credit hour load for an entire academic year is used to estimate average tuition. Required fees include the fixed sum charged that are required of such a large proportion of all students that the student who does not pay the charges is an exception.