Recent Reports
Graduate Engineering Ranking Methodology 2023
By: Joseph Roy
A report on a survey of institutional leaders and reporters about methods used to ranking graduate engineering programs.
Grant Funded Reports

COVID-19 and its Effect on Graduate Admissions Requirements for Engineering
By: Joseph Roy
A report discussing the effect of COVID-19 on graduate admission requirements.

COVID-19 & Engineering Education: An Interim Report on the Community Response to the Pandemic and Racial Justice
By: Mark Matthews, Joe Roy, and Carolyn Wilson
Report written highlighting the results of an NSF-funded project to look at initial affects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the engineering education community.
Current National Benchmark Reports

Current Status of the Engineering and Computing Workforce, 2019
By: Carolyn Wilson
Report and data using federal data sources to present the current distribution of working engineers and computational workers and the projected growth of these occupations over the next decade.

Diversity Benchmarking Report for Underrepresented Groups in Engineering
By: Charles Stuppard
Report and data using ASEE’s Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges to present the dispersion of underrepresented groups (URG) and provide national benchmarks of engineering and engineering technology programs.
Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges Reports

By the Numbers
Reports presenting data about Engineering and Engineering Technology Programs in the U.S.
Faculty Salaries Reports
ASEE Engineering Retention and Time-to-Graduation Survey

Benchmark 1: Student Persistence to the Second Year
Report presenting the student persistence to the second year by gender and race/ethnicity.

Benchmark 2: Graduation within Four Years
Report presenting student graduation within four years by gender and race/ethnicity.

Benchmark 3: Graduation within Six Years
Report presenting student graduation within six years by gender and race/ethnicity.