National Dashboards

Engineering Dean’s Gender Equity Project Data
Explore, visualize and download graphics of the number of women in tenured/tenure-track positions in engineering by region, institutional type, Carnegie class, discipline, and rank. Data published by ASEE. Funded through Engineering Deans Gender Equity Initiative.

Engineering Deans’ Gender Equity Project URM Data
Explore, visualize and download graphics of the number of underrepresented minority women in tenured/tenure-track positions in engineering by region, institutional type, Carnegie class, discipline, and rank. Data published by ASEE. Funded through Engineering Deans Gender Equity Initiative.
ASEE HQ Metrics

ASEE Individual Membership Dashboard
Explore and visualize data on the change in the numbers of individual ASEE members based on the membership type. Data published by ASEE.

ASEE Organizational Membership Dashboard
Explore and visualize data on the change in the number of organizational ASEE members based on organization membership type. Data published by ASEE.