Posts by Joseph Roy

Engineering Master’s Program Enrollment during the Pandemic

Engineering Master’s Program Enrollment during the Pandemic

Engineering Applications in the Pandemic

Engineering Applications in the Pandemic

Faculty Salary in Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty Salary in Engineering and Computer Science

Since 2007, the ASEE Faculty Salary Survey has collected detailed data from colleges of engineering across 21 disciplines, including computer...

Community College Paths to Engineering Technology Degrees

Community College Paths to Engineering Technology Degrees

In the United States, 354 colleges and universities award bachelor’s degrees in engineering technology, including 39 community colleges. These primarily...

Diversity in Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded 2011-2020

Diversity in Engineering Bachelor’s Degrees Awarded 2011-2020

A multitude of efforts over the past decade have attempted to increase the representation of underrepresented minorities in engineering. However,...

Engineering Leadership Diversity

Engineering Leadership Diversity

For its 2020 Profiles of Engineering & Engineering Technology (Profiles), ASEE asked institutions about the race and ethnicity of individuals...

Faculty Gender, Race & Ethnicity

Faculty Gender, Race & Ethnicity

This DataByte was compiled by Joyce B. Main, Li Tan, Monica F. Cox, Ebony O. McGee, and Andrew Katz, based...

API Access to the EDMS

API Access to the EDMS

We have turned on access to the API for the Engineering Data Management System that houses the data from the...

Women in Leadership Positions

Women in Leadership Positions

The 2019 Profiles of Engineering and Engineering Technology Colleges survey instrument was edited to allow institutions to provide gender, race,...