The Department of Institutional Research & Analytics is the research and analytics arm of the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).
Our Core Capabilities
Institutional Research
- National engineering workforce data analysis
- Faculty salary analysis and equity studies
- Enrollment modeling for engineering and engineering technology programs
- Project management for cross-functional teams (institutional research and information technology)
Descriptive and Predictive Analytics
- Statistical analyses and econometric modeling of cross-sectional and longitudinal events
- Quasi-experimental and non-experimental design
- Data visualization and dashboard design
- Benchmarking report design
- Complex membership modeling for churn and revenue projections
Qualitative Research and Analysis
- Mixed methods evaluation, utilizing quantitative and qualitative techniques to ensure a robust and comprehensive analysis
- Development and implementation of performance management and monitoring and evaluation frameworks.
- Literature reviews and secondary research.
- Development and testing of data-collection instruments